Monday, 23 February 2009

גשמי ברכה- צריך לאסוף!

לרגע אל תשכחו בתוך ארבעה ימים של גשמי ברכה שהקייץ עדיין זקוף ועומד. הגיע הזמן לבנות מאגרים שיקלטו את כל המים שנשטפים לים! במקום לבכות על שנות בצורת- לשמוח על מאגרים, בדיוק כמו בורות המים של הערים הקדומות! חיתמו על העצומה לאיסוף מי גשם!

Monday, 16 February 2009

PMS can be easy with herbs

Randy from I HAVE TO SAY wrote a very good article about herbs for PMS.
As a herbalist, I would like to share two more allies for your PMS.
But- be sure you at your period and not the beginning of pregnancy:
Salvina Officinalis as a PMS medicine For cramps, balance hormones and headaches.

Also there is ‏‎‏‎
Capsella Bursa (Shepard's Purse) which will make your period much shorter.

One more thing that really made my period go smooth and nice with less pains and more comfortable feelings - I stopped using tampons and made 10 Cloth Menstrual Pads. My PMS is much easier and it feels great!
Enjoy your PMS!

For more herbal information or a privet herbs workshop- please contact me.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Monday, 2 February 2009

Ancient Goddesses figures

Ancient Goddesses

Since I started uploading my polymer clay goddesses to
I would like to share the love to this unique women figure.

A goddess sculpture is usually a woman figure which represent a real goddess.
(Yes, I believe in god and goddess). Why usually?
because in ancient cultures, a goddess could be a triangle, a stone or anything else.
The most important symbols of a goddess figure are big belly - of fertile women, huge thighs, big/long breast and short neck. All of those elements together or apart are the figure of the ultimate women- who can deliver a baby easily through her huge pelvis, carry athe baby with her strong hands, feed him good mother milk from her great breasts and survive as she is not a thin lady.
The most famous ancient goddess known to the archeology is called
Venus of Willendorf(have been created between 24,000 BC – 22,000 BC):
She is a great inspirer for many artists.

Those two lovely goddess are from the prehistorical museum "Shaar Ha-Golan" - kibbutz near the Jordan river and the sea of Galilee:
Here are some more ancient goddesses:

Venus of Tan-Tan


Věstonická Venuše ( a ceramic statuette of a nude female figure dated to 29,000–25,000 BCE (Gravettian industry), which was found at a Paleolithic site in the Moravian basin south of Brno.):

Venus of Lespugue

I will leave the rest of the search for you - there are a lot of inspiring at the Prehistoric art
and hope you enjoyed this post (please live a comment if yes!)
and invite you to come again and visit and comment
for more of my hand made goddess figures.

Spiral goddess

Spiral fertility goddess
Is made from gold polymer clay.
As all my sculptures, I made her in deep meditation and connected to the highest powers of creation.
She is charged with the energy of healing, recreation, self awareness, creativity and love.


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