Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Modigliani - challenge

Welcome to the April Modigliani - challenge!
If you participate you may win a 50% discount in my shop (only on items less then 30$).
Here are the rules:
  1. First- tell me you're IN (just comment to this post and say it).
  2. NOW Make any art, sewing, drawing, whatever in your mind - after Modigliani women's art.
  3. Add a comment to this post and link to what you have created for the Modigliani - challenge. You may post it in your blog and give me the link. You may upload to your flicker or Picasa.
  4. Tell about the Modigliani - challenge at your blog.
  5. I will post about all the creations on the 1st week of May.
  6. 3 winners will win a discount to my Etsy shop. 1st - 50%. 2nd- 20%. 3rd-10%.
  7. As a winner you will be able to buy a favorite item (only to 30$) and I will refund your money by your discount with pay pal.
Good luck and- have fun!

And-this is my self portrait after Modigliani.

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