Friday, 27 November 2009

To be continued....

Made by Heather from niftyknits, This Little cute Meerkat is traveling in a world tour.
What a surprise it was to open our post office box and find him there, with all his things, smiling at us! We (children and I) were so happy!
Little Treasure is here at Galilee ...

We are having lots of fun together, and he started writing a post to my blog - and until Treasure will publish his diary, I will give you a glance of what we already did together:
* We traveled to the sea of Galilee, the lake "Kineret" in Hebrew, and it is very very low, so I gave him an explanation about the water problems here in Israel. It Rains too little and our water resources are getting smaller every year. Sweet Treasure looked all around and saw this owl "Golden poppy wise Christmas owl free shipping" doing "rain prayer".
So Treasure tried to make a rain prayer by himself - look:
And some heavy rain clouds gathered around to hear better the Owl and the Meerkat Pray to rain.
Rain prayer is very common in Jewish religion. We pray to God to give the land good rain.
Here is a rain prayer:

Meerkat and owl Prayed together and suddenly first drop of rain came down
We went away to our Home Schooling meeting
And the drops of the rain danced on the land.

Here is our children, with the umbrellas open, welcoming the rain!

After sun dawn, Treasure and all OOwls came back to our house.

Tonight he will join our Kidush of Saturday evening with the family.
Shabat Shalom and happy Thanksgiving!


Midnightcoiler said...

It looks like you're having a great time during Treasure's visit! Beautiful water area to go to. Can't wait to read more.

Heather Leavers said...

How fascinating! I also look forward to hearing more.

Pamela Zimmerman said...

Sounds like little Treasure is having a wonderful, educational trip! I am so glad for him.

SpringColors said...

shabat shalom Inbal. love to see you have fun with the meerkat

Originals by Lauren said...

What fun, I love reading about these adventures!


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