Thursday, 30 April 2009

recycle - fruit basket

recycle - fruit basket
made from good old dress and fabric leftovers.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

X 100 playing with my new EyeClops

If yoy like them and you want to see more- let me know!
I love it!

Sunday, 12 April 2009

The new doll on the block!

Amalya is a round and chubby little fairy. She is made after a real person I know.
I used a 100% polyester fabric of a beautiful useless pair of pansies I had to sew this fairy and and still have some fabric leftover for further use. Her wings are combination of blue felt and some plastic garlic net (LOL)
Here hood is from white lace ends of another recycled item. She is an Eco-fairy!

Happy holidays!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

New baby was born


Here's my treasure with best wishes to you little one!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Ronda Willis treasury

RWillisglassartist created this gorgeous treasury with my goddess in it!

Rhonda Willis is a fused glass artist and she makes beautiful pendants and jewelery.

Here are my favorites:

Thank you Rhonda!

Modigliani - challenge

Welcome to the April Modigliani - challenge!
If you participate you may win a 50% discount in my shop (only on items less then 30$).
Here are the rules:
  1. First- tell me you're IN (just comment to this post and say it).
  2. NOW Make any art, sewing, drawing, whatever in your mind - after Modigliani women's art.
  3. Add a comment to this post and link to what you have created for the Modigliani - challenge. You may post it in your blog and give me the link. You may upload to your flicker or Picasa.
  4. Tell about the Modigliani - challenge at your blog.
  5. I will post about all the creations on the 1st week of May.
  6. 3 winners will win a discount to my Etsy shop. 1st - 50%. 2nd- 20%. 3rd-10%.
  7. As a winner you will be able to buy a favorite item (only to 30$) and I will refund your money by your discount with pay pal.
Good luck and- have fun!

And-this is my self portrait after Modigliani.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Heather's angel-the March give away winner

She asked me to take some photos before I sent her all the way to the first give away winner- niftyknits
All packed and ready to fly:

And here she is at her new home in a photo by niftyknits with those two lovely knitted plants!

Sunday, 5 April 2009

I was featured! is the creator of this beautiful treasury which has my fairy Amalya in it.

Wrapped Silver Earring is my favorite item from Vered's Etsy's shpo!

Thanked me for featuring her in a treasury I made and post about it. Thanks! (go look)


Saturday, 4 April 2009

homeschooling -learning with the computer

As a homeschooling mom I do love to find help to the curriculum on the network. Here are few of what we have found today.
מרכזת כמה אתרים עם משחקים מוצלחים עבור הילדים- משחקים שמתרחשת בהם למידה של תכנים לימודיים מעבר להנאה נטו:

Some nice sited for teaching and learning with the child:
  1. חשבון ict
  3. בסנונית:
  5. This site looks great but pretty expensive- almost 10$ per month for account!
  7. We also have account on BrainPop Hebrew
  8. The nile game is very simple-great for young child:


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